Marine biology exercise answers Ebook
ISBN : 978-1-86283-153-7
Published Date : 17 November 2014
Product Code : F20P
Format : Downloadable pdf lifetime licence
Price: $77.00
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Part A: Mangroves and seagrasses
A1. What do mangroves look like?
A2. Which animals use mangroves for shelter?
A3. How do mangroves grow?
A4. How do mangroves reproduce?
A5. Which animals use seagrasses for shelter?
A6. Where do mangroves and seagrasses live?
A7. What is a marine habitat?
A8. What lives in estuarine habitats?
A9. How do mangroves overcome salt and lack of air?
A10. How can we identify mangroves?
A11. What other links are there between the sea and mangroves?
A12. What is the life cycle of a prawn?
A13. How can I get fish poisoning?
A14. Why are mangroves and seagrasses important
Part B: Exposed shores and coral reefs
B1. What do sand dune plants look like?
B2. What are sand dunes and how are they formed?
B3. Can a model be made to show where coral reef organisms live?
B4. What do coral reefs look like and how are they formed?
B5. What are copepods?
B6. What do phytoplankton do in the photic zone?
B7. What lives in the intertidal zone of an exposed shore?
B8. What is a red tide?
B9. Can we grow plankton in the lab?
B10. How do corals feed and reproduce?
B11. What is coral bleaching?
B12. How do molluscs feed, breathe* and kill?
B13. What’s so unusual about spiky skinned animals?
B14. Can you prepare some answers to whale questions asked by tourists?
B15. How do turtles feed and reproduce?
B16. Why are sea birds significant?
B17. How do sharks move
Part C Classification
C1. What lives in the tree of marine life?
C2. How are sharks and rays classified?
C3. Why do we need a system to classify marine life?
C4. What is the definition of a species?
C5. How are new species discovered?
C6. How are identification keys made and used?
C7. What structural characteristics separate out the Marine phyla? '
Part D: Marine ecology
D1. Why do we study the biotic and abiotic environments?
D2. How do sea birds survive?
D3. How do animals use structural adaptations to survive?
D4. How do animals use physiological adaptations to survive?
D5. How do animals in the intertidal zone survive and reproduce?
D6. How do animals use behavioural adaptations?
D7. How do sharks navigate and locate their prey?
D8. How do abiotic and biotic factors affect life on a rocky shore?
D9. What is the difference between producers, scavengers and predators?
D10. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
D11. What are three types of symbiotic relationships?
D12. What is the difference between an ecosystem and a community?
D13. What is marine biodiversity?
Part E: Lab and field work
E1. External features of a bony fish
E2. A sea mullet dissection
E3. External features of a crayfish
E4. What do plankton look like?
E5. Beach or rocky shore profile
E6. Complete a transect
E7. Your report