1984 BSMSP Coastal physics

ISBN : 0 9598303 8 3
Published Date : 01 July 1983
Product Code : 1984 BSMSP
Format : Free PDF for download
By Bob Moffatt
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Teachers Information
Wet Paper Publications would like to thank the following for their assistance in the design and trialling of this module:
Thanks Merran Kilgour for teaching this one with me.
Waves, currents and beaches
Wave formation
Breaking waves
Wave reflection and refraction
Beach currents
Point diffraction
Wave set up and set down
Longshore currents
Depositional landforms from longshore currents
How Man interfere with longshore currents
Beach erosion
Classroom experiments waves, refraction, currents and groins
The importance of tides
Sun, Earth Moon systems
The Moon's orbit
Rotation fo the Moon
Gravitation and tides
Daily tides
Spring and Need tides
River tides
Investigations - Plotting the tide and Tide Models by FUSE